Corinne Pearlman
Corinne is an experienced editor, designer and production manager of graphic novels, accompanying authors through the stages of editing, designing and production for print.
In her former role as Creative Director at Myriad Editions, Corinne has commissioned and produced some of the best-known works of graphic fiction and nonfiction in the UK, establishing an award-winning list whose authors include Gareth Brookes, Kate Charlesworth, Darryl Cunningham, Kate Evans, Sabba Khan, Woodrow Phoenix, Zara Slattery, Nicola Streeten and Ian Williams.
Corinne is director of the First Graphic Novel Award which she has steered since its founding by Myriad in 2012 as the First Graphic Novel Competition. The award is now run in partnership with the Cartoon Museum and graphic novel publisher SelfMadeHero and is currently open for submissions. She is a co-founder of Cartoon County, a network of Sussex-based cartoonists, and was a partner in Comic Company, using comics in health information, for over thirty years. As a cartoonist she has contributed to several anthologies and publications.
She is also executor for the estates of China scholar Robert Benewick and photographer Rosalind Mann.